Friday, 12 February 2010

the first post, the one that hurts the most

New blog, how about that. I'm using this to keep track/showcase my new projects, mostly just for self-reference.

I'm currently working on the "save our pubs" campaign for the MPA Student Creativity awards. I finished the vector form of the logo, now just to colour it and add some texture and depth, then I have this weekend to work on the kinetic typography element. It's increasingly looking like the poster will have to be thrown together at the last minute, luckily I have backup Peter Blake/Richard Hamilton inspired idea which should come together without much hassle. And then, on to the D&AD awards! Next year I might do an animation for it rather then more graphic design, we'll see. Can I enter twice under different categories, I wonder?

I'm making a volvelle, which is when you stick-pin two bits of card together in primary school to make them spin around, only more professionally. It took me a while to find out what they were called, and until then I had to explain my idea to Warren in terms of "Spinny bits of cardboard".

My latest digital media project is an adaptation of Huxley's A Brave New World, which should look really cool. I'm going to base the visuals around political cartoons and caricatures, which is something I've wanted to do a project on since the end of last year. I'd go and photocopy some tomorrow, but I'm not sure many newspapers have them in the weekend sections. Worth a look, I guess.

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